Rovadi Official Partner Carbon Robotics

The LaserWeeder

The LaserWeeder uses computer vision and AI deep learning models to identify weeds and crops in real time and kill the weeds using powerful lasers. Laser weed control reduces growing costs, increases yields and improves crop health. No manual work, chemical herbicides or mechanical soil disturbance.

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Controlling Weeds with Laser Technology

The LaserWeeder combines the power of computer vision and AI deep learning to identify weeds and crops. The 30 rear cameras linked to the scanners thus located the precise growing point of the plant and, based on its diameter and type of weed, determine how long to shoot at it.

The number of lasers needed to destroy the weeds is calculated. They can fire in all directions for the optimum range. As the lasers shoot precisely at the growing point, the weeds become so hot inside, the cell structure is cooked to pieces and the weeds slowly die. All this ensures extremely precise and efficient weed control.

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Crop detection using deep learning and AI technology

  • Average time for cost-recovery 1-3 years
  • Powered by Nvidia GPU's
  • Works day and night 24/7
  • Sub-millimeter accuracy
  • Works on 100+ crops
  • Works on all weeds in all soil types
  • 24/7 monitoring and support

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LaserWeeder Operator App

The Carbon Robotics Operator App is the link between the LaserWeeder and the operator. Control the LaserWeeder from your tractor and get real-time feedback on target speed, laser status and performance. For maintenance, on the app, you can view error messages, calibrate cameras and report errors.

Also, through the app, you have a real-time connection to the Carbon Robotics support team, which is online 24/7.

Overall cost reduction

Automated weed control enables growers to reduce the highly variable cost of manual labor and reduce the use of plant protection products. Labor is often the biggest expense for growers and crop protection products are a significant part of their growing costs.

Cutting costs in both areas is a huge benefit.

Increased yield and quality

Increased yield and quality

Unlike traditional methods, the LaserWeeder leaves soil microbiology intact. This regenerative process results in healthier crops and higher yields without the need for chemical treatments.

Regenerative agriculture practices

Regenerative agriculture practices

With its laser-guided, autonomous weed management, the LaserWeeder reduces the need for harmful herbicides. This supports more sustainable farming practices and promotes healthier soil without chemical damage.

Economic route to organic agriculture

Economic route to organic agriculture

The LaserWeeder offers cost-effective weed control without herbicides or manual labor. This makes organic certification more accessible, increases yields and improves soil health.

Overall Cost Reduction

Overall Cost Reduction

The automated LaserWeeder reduces manual labor and the use of herbicides. It works day and night, significantly reducing variable labor and chemical costs and increasing productivity.


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